list of cities

Cache County
Cache Valey
North Logan
Hyde Park
River Heights
Cache Junction
Franklin County
Oneida County, ID
Box Elder County, UT
Brigham City
Bear Lake County, ID
Fish Haven
Rich County, UT
Garden City
Lake Town

Wards in Stakes South Logan


Logan Utah Stake

Green Meadows Ward
Henry’s Point Ward
Logan 12th Ward
Logan River 4th Ward
Logan River 5th Ward
Logan River Trails Ward
Meadowbrook Ward
Monte Vista Ward (Spanish)
Oak Brook Ward
Park Avenue Ward
Woodruff Ward

Logan Utah Mount Logan Stake

Canyon Ridge Ward
Cliffside Ward
Dry Canyon Ward
Eastridge Ward
Johansen Park Ward
Logan Canyon Ward
Riverside Ward
Stewart Park Ward

Logan Utah South Stake

Ballard Creek Ward
Central Park Ward
Hollyhock Ward
Larkspur Ward
Logan SA 1st Ward
Logan SA 2nd Ward
Willow Park Ward
Riverwalk Branch (Care Center)

Providence Utah Stake

Cobblestone 1st Ward
Cobblestone 2nd Ward
Meadow Lane Ward
Providence 1st Ward
Providence 2nd Ward
Providence 3rd Ward
Providence 9th Ward
Providence 12th Ward

Providence Utah South Stake

Edgehill Ward
Millville 1st Ward
Millville 2nd Ward
Millville 3rd Ward
Millville 4th Ward
Millville 5th Ward
Providence 5th Ward
Providence 6th Ward
Providence 10th Ward
Providence Utah YSA Stake

River Heights Utah Stake

Fox Ridge Ward
Fruitland Acres Ward
Providence 4th Ward
Providence 8th Ward
River Heights 1st Ward
River Heights 2nd Ward
River Heights 3rd Ward
River Heights 4th Ward
Spring Creek Branch (Care Center)

Coordinating Councils

North Coordinating Council


Preston North

Preston South



Smithfield South


Hyde Park

North Logan


Central Coordinating Council

Logan Cache

Logan Cache West

North Logan Green Canyon

Logan Central

Logan East


South Coordinating Council


Logan South

Mt. Logan

River Heights


Providence South



Hyrum North




Box Elder Coordinating Council

Brigham City Utah Box Elder Stake

Brigham City Utah North Stake

Brigham City Utah South Stake

Brigham City Utah Stake

Brigham City Utah West Stake

Fielding Utah Stake

Garland Utah Stake

Perry Utah Stake

Tremonton Utah South Stake

Tremonton Utah Stake

Tremonton Utah West Stake

Willard Utah Stake


Participate in 46+ Logan Utah Singles LDS Activities

Being older could make you think that being involved in Logan Utah Singles activities is a pointless endeavor. Stereotypes have placed LDS singles over 60 in a class that is less adventurous, active, and social. This has come to be anything but the case! Finding yourself single doesn’t mean that you have to spend your weekends and evenings alone! Being an empty nester doesn’t mean that your days of activities are over!


When you participate in Stake and multi stake activities with other Logan Utah singles, you’ll find that your life is just beginning. With a constant flood of religious and social activities, you’ll never be bored. The local singles events are never ending, so you’ll find lots of great activities that fit your schedule and your preference. Plus, there is no commitment! Everything you do is up to you because the Logan Utah singles activities are fun and uplifting by choice, not an obligation.


Come and see what fun can be found. We are not just LDS singles over 60 but all LDS singles over 45! The easiest guarantee we can make is that you will feel surrounded by others who are also looking for fun and spirituality.


The joys that can be found in multi stake singles activities


Pulling from such a large pool of LDS singles over 60 means that there are often many events happening at the same time, and one of them is sure to be something that you’d enjoy. We have an LDS singles event calendar, which can outline some of the activities that have been planned in advance. Many of these activities focus on a spiritual element while others are social, physical or service oriented.


In September, there will be a wonderful conference specifically for Cache Valley LDS singles 46+ called Walking Forward in Faith. There will be workshops, games, dancing, refreshments and a keynote speaker, Michael Dunn! Being older doesn’t mean that your spiritual growth is over. Sometimes it means that you might need even more support and guidance from our Savior. These multi stake singles events can help you to find that support and feel the love of our Savior. This is a regional event. So Box Elder County and all of Cache Valley are invited.


There are many Logan singles looking for friends and activities. Most do not even know about this website. Don’t let your age keep you from experiencing the fun and joy that can be found by participating in the multi stake singles events and activities.


You’re not alone, have fun with the Cache singles


Do you enjoy playing games? So do we! Would you rather do something more active? There are Cache singles that like that too! From pickle ball to the pie face game, we are always ready for a fun and uplifting time. We give our singles group activities variety in order to find something for everyone. If you enjoy an activity that you don’t see listed, have your stake Rep put it on the LDS singles event calendar! The probability is high that someone else has been searching for that activity too! Has there been an event coming up that you didn’t want to go to alone? The Logan singles made a day out of the Martin Harris Pageant, taking something that was already going to be fun with a group and making it even better!


There are big scale and small scale activities for singles to choose from. Have you been hesitant to go to the temple alone? There’s a group that goes to the temple. The Cache singles are ready for any uplifting and fun activity that you’ve been waiting to do, so don’t wait for a second longer!


Flood your life with singles group activities


The singles group activities are happening all year round for the Cache singles. Unlike youth and young adult activities that fluctuate with the seasons, the LDS singles over 60 group pays no regard to the weather changes. Dinners and movies occur every month, and many holidays have events too. The Xmission singles calendar mostly lists events down south. Our website lists local stake and ward events and activities.


Some months there’s an activity every weekend, keeping the feelings of loneliness at bay with an aggression. Summer can be a time like that. The influx of BBQs, dances, and movies can be a little overwhelming, but so much fun! Winter may see some of that taper, but the singles group activities do not end! Firesides and temple nights may become more popular, but they are by no means the only option to get together with other Cache singles. If you don’t watch out, you could easily get swept away in all of the fun and uplifting singles group activities. Feel the flood of the love the Savior has for you with these singles activities. You are not forgotten, and you are not alone.


Local singles events are happening all around you, come with us!


Without kids, school, and work to plan events for us, often we sit back and wonder what’s going on in the area. Cache Valley singles often look to the Xmission calendar but it has little activities happening here in Cache Valley. There are many local singles events happening. If there is something local happening in the valley, there is a group of Logan singles going. Something as simple as Independence Day had a group of single adults LDS that got together for food and fireworks. Pioneer Day saw the same treatment. When the summer art walk came to Cache Valley, so did the Cache singles! If there are local events, then there will be local singles events to match. Being single shouldn’t keep you from experiencing all the area has to offer, and with all of the local singles events, it won’t!


If you live in Cache County, specifically Logan, Providence, Hyrum, North Logan, Hyde Park, or Millville, or any of its surrounding areas like Brigham City, Tremonton, or Preston, ID, then there are local singles events happening all around you! Come and join the fun and the spiritual uplifting that our singles activities can offer.


You won’t believe how many activities for singles are going on


The activities for singles that are older more than likely outnumber the singles activities for their younger counterparts. Just one look at the LDS singles event calendar will confirm these suspicions. The Logan singles are always looking for more ways to have fun together and to enrich each other. Whether this is done through games, movies, conferences, firesides, or dinner, they have created a wonderful sanctuary from the craziness of the world.


President Spencer W. Kimball said, “God does notice us and He watches over us, but it is usually through another person that He meets our needs.” These activities for singles have been formulated with that goal in mind. The friendships and acquaintances made here ensure that needs are met through each other. The spirit is able to work through the wholesome activities and genuine friendships to bring everyone closer to heaven. There is more going on beneath the surface than just laughing a lot and feeling closer to the Savior. As President Uchtdorf reminds us, “there are more ways to see than with our eyes.”


Lds single men aren’t in hiding, they’re hanging out with us!


Did you know that LDS single women out number LDS single men? At almost five to one, there are more single women than men in the older single groups. This can be frustrating for both men and women. Women have fewer options for meeting good men, and men have a hard time finding friends in their same single situation.


Getting older and becoming single can cause people of any gender to close off from the world, not just LDS single men. That is why the Logan Utah singles group is so important. It brings everyone out of hiding and out of having fun! Not having kids at home or a spouse doesn’t mean that life is over! There are so many great options and activities for singles. Regardless of what you are interested in, there is something out there for you. Seriously! Are you a foodie? There’s a dinner that happens at least once a month. A game enthusiast? There are lots of people looking for game buddies. You name it, there’s someone in our group that likes it.


Enrich your life with Logan singles


The Logan singles group is an incredible source of uplifting fun and spiritual focus. They make sure that no LDS singles over 60 feel forgotten by their ward. In a church focused on families, the Logan singles bring extra attention and fun for those outside of the typical parameters.


With all of the activities and firesides, the Logan singles group sends gentle reminders that there is still enjoyment to be had from life. Much of this comes from the wonderful friendships that can be made during singles activities. President Thomas S. Monson said, “Everyone needs good friends. Your circle of friends will greatly influence your thinking and behavior, just as you will theirs. When you share common values with your friends, you can strengthen and encourage each other.” This is the goal of the Logan singles. We can’t wait to see you there.

LDS singles activities and social events in and around Cache Valley

Unknown to most Cache Valley singles there is actually quite a few Church sponsored LDS singles activities going on regularly in the Valley. And we are talking about activities for the mature singles age group of 46 years plus. When these activities happen a Stake generally hosts them. Many times the sponsoring Stake invites a few other Stakes to participate, making it a multi stake singles activity.   The reason most LDS single adults don’t know about these activities is they do not see it printed in the bulletin at church, or were not in their ward the week it was printed. With all the mission farewells, baby blessings and other family get together’s going on, people frequently miss attending their own ward, thereby missing the announcements. In a perfect world, your home teachers would tell you about these Stake activities when they come to visit each month, before the activity. But alas, we are not yet in that perfect world. Communications in our fast paced world is an issue.

Singles are turning to the Internet looking for involvement in LDS singles activities but currently, little LDS activities are being found in Logan or Cache Valley. There are 100s of single adults LDS individuals who are looking for clean, wholesome social activities to participate in.  This website hopes to change that by being a clearing house for all the LDS single adult activities going on in, and around cache valley that are church sponsored events, and getting found when people are looking! Some Stakes in the valley are not currently hosting LDS singles activities at this time. But more and more are starting to get Single Adult Reps in place to host these activities. I

It is shocking how many people in or around Cache Valley are looking for things to do on the weekends. Many empty nest singles who are frustrated spending their weekends and evenings alone who are looking for friends to socialize with. When they search around, they don’t find anything. There has not been a website for LDS Singles over 45 in Cache Valley for several years.

Several years ago there was a website called Cache Singles.   It was the hub for all the Logan singles activities happening in the area. That website has gone defunct and the domain name expired. Still, people are searching for that website and more importantly, its content. The listing of LDS singles activities that website used to show. We have on this website an “LDS singles calendar” showing events coming up. We hope you will take some time to visit that page. Many of those Cache Singles people are still participating in Stake dance Utah but there are few of those going on. The church leaders are starting to get the Single Adult programs for 46 plus going again in the Valley. It just takes time. If your Stake is not hosting LDS singles events contact your Stake President. Ask him who your Single Adult Reps are. Ask them about what their plans are. Offer to help.   The more people who pitch in to help plan, host and run these activities the easier it is for everyone.


This demographic of our friends are becoming very frustrated. I (the author of this article) have spoken with many people who tell me they have been looking for group activities and social events for several years, and there is nothing out there. What few there are, are not publicized.

The internet is a wonderful tool for connecting people but it only works when those resources can be found searching. Some of the list of searches singles in Cache Valley are performing include, but not limited to: LDS singles activities, LDS singles conference, LDS singles calendar, LDS single adults conferences, multi stake singles, Stake dance Utah, LDS singles events, single adults LDS, Logan Utah singles, Cache Valley singles, Cache singles, LDS single adult, Logan singles, singles events near me, LDS singles over 60.

There are many more; too many to list. Now many of these search terms are clearly looking outside our community or area.  Clearly, they are nation wide searches. But most are LDS people looking for other single LDS people to get together with. It only makes sense to narrow the search by using a geographic limiter, like Logan or Cache Valley. That allows those who are from or around the valley who are looking for singles events near me to find those events and activities.

Are you aware that there is a Facebook page that lists all the church endorsed act ivies that are going on in the Valley? That’s right. Not many people know about it. It is the “Cache Singles 46 Plus” Facebook group. Those activities listed will be pretty much a mirror of the activities we list on our calendar. The differences being:  1) Some people use Facebook for everything. So that Facebook page is there for them to see the same information on this website.  2) The Facebook page lists events in the order posted. There is no way to view them in a calendar, or a sorted order or list. This website’s calendar provides various views where events and activities can be viewed as a list, calendar and filtered.   We have 3 areas you can view the calendar by:  North Coordinating Council, Central Coordinating Council, and South Coordinating Council.   Then we have filter categories so you can view by the type of event. These include dancing, firesides & FHE, BBQ/pot lucks, physical and sports activities and finally, non-physical activities such as games.


There are several LDS single adults conferences that take place each year. We are fortunate to have our own “LDS singles conference right here in Cache Valley. It is a Regional Single Adult Conference for LDS Singles 46 and up.   This conference will be held Friday evening September 8th and Saturday the 9th at the Aztec building in Logan Utah. We have the full bios of all of our workshop speakers listed on our website. There is a wide variety of subjects and is sure to not only be a spiritually uplifting experience but fun, engaging and social as well.   You can get details on this conference here.

This site is not about dating.   That is left to the individual. This is about Church sponsored wholesome uplifting LDS singles events where members can meet face to face, socialize and engage each other in conversation and interaction. The range of activities varies from LDS singles conference, physical activities, and gathering, spiritual firesides & home evenings, single adult dances, BBQs & pot lucks to service activities. It is surprising how many physically active LDS singles over 60 participate in. Pull your single friends off the couch and come out to the next event your Stake is invited to. You’ll meet new friends, engage in good conversation and be uplifted with the warm friendly atmosphere. Now don’t sit back and wait for people to come up to you and greet you. You need to be the one outgoing and you greet everyone. You’ll find everyone is your friend.

I recently heard a great story I’d like to share. It goes something like this.

A young family was looking to buy a home in a community a long distance from where they were living. Wanting to know what the neighborhood was like, they asked an elderly gentleman out watering his lawn, what they can expect as to what the community is like.

The wise man asked in reply, “What’s the community like you are moving from?”

“Terrible” came the reply. “The people are cold, rude and completely unfriendly. Nobody says hi.”

The wise man said, “I think that’s what you’ll find here, unfortunately”.

A few hours later another couple stopped by the same man asking a similar question. What is the community like as they were looking to relocate.

“What is the community like that you are moving from” came the response from the wise man.

“We love it. We’ll miss it dearly. All the people are so kind and friendly. It’s hard for us to move.” Responded the couple.

“That’s exactly what you’ll find in this community. You’ll find the people warm and friendly” said the wise man.

You find what you look for.  Don’t sit back and wait for personal invitations and outstretched hands to get involved.   The people who find those outstretched hands are finding their own hands outstretched to others.   Be that kind of person and join us in filling our spare time with happiness and enjoying friendships with others.

It is our hope that this website gets found in virtually all of the searches that people in Cache Valley, Logan Utah area, Box Elder County, Preston Idaho and Bear Lake area are doing on the internet. Logan is the central hub for these surrounding communities and many of those people are coming to Logan to participate in these activities. Come and get involved. Immerse yourself in these activities and those people around you and you will find a loving network of friends from diverse backgrounds.

Please invite your Stake Single Adult Rep to submit your Stake’s activities to be listed on this website via our “Contact Us” page.   Regrettably, we can’t list activities that our church leaders have not put their endorsement on. So church sponsored activities only.


We look forward to seeing you at either one of the LDS single adults conferences, a singles dance or some other activity. Getting out of the house and getting involved and fill your life with joy while interacting and serving others.